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Easy Ship delays for consecutive orders

by Seller_jkv3dIXSRL5By

For 2 consecutive orders, there have been delays in easy ship pick up and this last one has not been picked up at all. Customer service is utterly useless with just 1 answer that you need to keep filling in the form even if that means filling it 5-6 times. Once order is cancelled team will try to see what can be done, with no concern for loss of business for a seller. No information on who the pick up person is, and apparently, according to one customer service rep called Nitin, I should have received a text message with the delivery person's details and they should have reached out on the pick up day.

My question is how can there be no escalation matrix for consistently occurring issues? And why are customer service reps lying and saying that their senior's will also give the same answers that they are giving?

Tags: Shipping
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In reply to: Seller_jkv3dIXSRL5By's post

Worst thing is that one cannot complaint if the delivery agent has not come to pick up the orders...

There should be an OTP based system like Ekart

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