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Quick Tip: Adding a company logo


Hi everyone,

Do you want to add your company logo to your account? The following steps will help you with that task.

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Info and Policies.
  2. On the Your Info and Policies page select Seller Logo from the options.
  3. Click the Upload Image button on the next page and select your logo.
  4. Click Save to add the image to your account.

The following is a list of criteria for Seller Logos:

  • Image format needs to be JPEG or GIF
  • The maximum image size accepted is 2 MB
  • Image size must be exactly 120x30 pixels
  • The logo cannot be animated

After uploading an image, it will take 5 to 10 minutes for it to appear on the page. If there is an error with the image file, you will see a message on the screen. When you see the image on the Your Information & Policies page in Seller Central, it has been accepted for processing and should be visible on the website within 1 hour.

If you need to delete a logo, you will need to create a case with Seller Support.

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Quick Tip: Adding a company logo


Hi everyone,

Do you want to add your company logo to your account? The following steps will help you with that task.

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Info and Policies.
  2. On the Your Info and Policies page select Seller Logo from the options.
  3. Click the Upload Image button on the next page and select your logo.
  4. Click Save to add the image to your account.

The following is a list of criteria for Seller Logos:

  • Image format needs to be JPEG or GIF
  • The maximum image size accepted is 2 MB
  • Image size must be exactly 120x30 pixels
  • The logo cannot be animated

After uploading an image, it will take 5 to 10 minutes for it to appear on the page. If there is an error with the image file, you will see a message on the screen. When you see the image on the Your Information & Policies page in Seller Central, it has been accepted for processing and should be visible on the website within 1 hour.

If you need to delete a logo, you will need to create a case with Seller Support.

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Quick Tip: Adding a company logo


Hi everyone,

Do you want to add your company logo to your account? The following steps will help you with that task.

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Info and Policies.
  2. On the Your Info and Policies page select Seller Logo from the options.
  3. Click the Upload Image button on the next page and select your logo.
  4. Click Save to add the image to your account.

The following is a list of criteria for Seller Logos:

  • Image format needs to be JPEG or GIF
  • The maximum image size accepted is 2 MB
  • Image size must be exactly 120x30 pixels
  • The logo cannot be animated

After uploading an image, it will take 5 to 10 minutes for it to appear on the page. If there is an error with the image file, you will see a message on the screen. When you see the image on the Your Information & Policies page in Seller Central, it has been accepted for processing and should be visible on the website within 1 hour.

If you need to delete a logo, you will need to create a case with Seller Support.

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Quick Tip: Adding a company logo


Hi everyone,

Do you want to add your company logo to your account? The following steps will help you with that task.

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Info and Policies.
  2. On the Your Info and Policies page select Seller Logo from the options.
  3. Click the Upload Image button on the next page and select your logo.
  4. Click Save to add the image to your account.

The following is a list of criteria for Seller Logos:

  • Image format needs to be JPEG or GIF
  • The maximum image size accepted is 2 MB
  • Image size must be exactly 120x30 pixels
  • The logo cannot be animated

After uploading an image, it will take 5 to 10 minutes for it to appear on the page. If there is an error with the image file, you will see a message on the screen. When you see the image on the Your Information & Policies page in Seller Central, it has been accepted for processing and should be visible on the website within 1 hour.

If you need to delete a logo, you will need to create a case with Seller Support.

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Quick Tip: Adding a company logo

by Jessica_Amazon_

Hi everyone,

Do you want to add your company logo to your account? The following steps will help you with that task.

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Info and Policies.
  2. On the Your Info and Policies page select Seller Logo from the options.
  3. Click the Upload Image button on the next page and select your logo.
  4. Click Save to add the image to your account.

The following is a list of criteria for Seller Logos:

  • Image format needs to be JPEG or GIF
  • The maximum image size accepted is 2 MB
  • Image size must be exactly 120x30 pixels
  • The logo cannot be animated

After uploading an image, it will take 5 to 10 minutes for it to appear on the page. If there is an error with the image file, you will see a message on the screen. When you see the image on the Your Information & Policies page in Seller Central, it has been accepted for processing and should be visible on the website within 1 hour.

If you need to delete a logo, you will need to create a case with Seller Support.

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