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Set up account vacation settings over the holidays

If you’re taking time off over the holiday season, or planning to work on public holidays, we recommend these simple steps to protect your seller-fulfilled order performance metrics.

Set up vacation mode

Set your account to vacation mode to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from Amazon product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation mode, go to the Store status and Vacation settings page.

For more information, go to Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences.

Manage your holiday settings

If you plan to send seller-fulfilled orders on public holidays, go to the Holidays widget in Seller Central to override predefined holidays and change them to an "operating day".

To override a public holiday, go to the Holidays page.

Note: Allow up to four hours for any change in holiday settings change to be reflected in your delivery promise and orders received.

For more information, including how to revert operating days to holidays, go to Manage Holiday Settings.

Consider setting up Customer Service by Amazon

If you’re unable to respond to customers, you can enable Customer Service by Amazon. It’s a paid program where Amazon takes care of customer service on your behalf for your self-fulfilled orders. Our team will answer any inquiries from your customers directly, 24/7, via phone, chat, or email.

To learn more, go to Customer service for seller-fulfilled orders.

Contact Account Health Support during the holidays

Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers who have questions about their account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2023 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on December 26, 2023.
  • January 1, 2024 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on January 2, 2024.

For more information, go to the Account Health Support FAQ.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Set up account vacation settings over the holidays

If you’re taking time off over the holiday season, or planning to work on public holidays, we recommend these simple steps to protect your seller-fulfilled order performance metrics.

Set up vacation mode

Set your account to vacation mode to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from Amazon product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation mode, go to the Store status and Vacation settings page.

For more information, go to Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences.

Manage your holiday settings

If you plan to send seller-fulfilled orders on public holidays, go to the Holidays widget in Seller Central to override predefined holidays and change them to an "operating day".

To override a public holiday, go to the Holidays page.

Note: Allow up to four hours for any change in holiday settings change to be reflected in your delivery promise and orders received.

For more information, including how to revert operating days to holidays, go to Manage Holiday Settings.

Consider setting up Customer Service by Amazon

If you’re unable to respond to customers, you can enable Customer Service by Amazon. It’s a paid program where Amazon takes care of customer service on your behalf for your self-fulfilled orders. Our team will answer any inquiries from your customers directly, 24/7, via phone, chat, or email.

To learn more, go to Customer service for seller-fulfilled orders.

Contact Account Health Support during the holidays

Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers who have questions about their account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2023 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on December 26, 2023.
  • January 1, 2024 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on January 2, 2024.

For more information, go to the Account Health Support FAQ.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How incredibly ironic that you post this amid the lead time errors you are generating.

We do not enable holidays as business days, have M-F set for ship days, and yet orders placed over the weekends and holidays CONTINUE to ship with one shorter day lead time than indicated (e.g. order placed today, Christmas -- when I really do NOT want to be dealing with Amazon -- with 4 day handling time was previously due January 2nd, due to 2 holidays, is now due Friday, 4 calendar days earlier).

If Amazon has changed their definition of "only business days count for handling time" they should explicitly state that. But ever since you started messing with the default handling time settings, we've had lead time problems, and orders placed Saturday, Sunday and Monday should (for us) have the same due date, and used to.

And to any sellers too naive to know otherwise "CSbA" will "take care of customer service" by granting returnless refunds to your buyers. Do not fall for this paid service which costs far more than the price tag.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Should any mod care enough to dig into just how wrong this announcement about holiday settings is, or look into what a useless time sink support has become, please help with case: 14531490411 .

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I did that once, I did set my account to holiday mode. My store (sales) never fully recovered after that. So I'm not going on holiday ever again. I'll just work every single day, on holidays too.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ebay & Etsy allow you to keep your listings showing but say you are away. That way your entire store doesn't just "disappear" while you are gone! We have repeat buyers so they think we are out of business! I really REALLY DISLIKE the vacation mode on Amazon! It is such a bad business practice.

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Set up account vacation settings over the holidays

If you’re taking time off over the holiday season, or planning to work on public holidays, we recommend these simple steps to protect your seller-fulfilled order performance metrics.

Set up vacation mode

Set your account to vacation mode to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from Amazon product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation mode, go to the Store status and Vacation settings page.

For more information, go to Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences.

Manage your holiday settings

If you plan to send seller-fulfilled orders on public holidays, go to the Holidays widget in Seller Central to override predefined holidays and change them to an "operating day".

To override a public holiday, go to the Holidays page.

Note: Allow up to four hours for any change in holiday settings change to be reflected in your delivery promise and orders received.

For more information, including how to revert operating days to holidays, go to Manage Holiday Settings.

Consider setting up Customer Service by Amazon

If you’re unable to respond to customers, you can enable Customer Service by Amazon. It’s a paid program where Amazon takes care of customer service on your behalf for your self-fulfilled orders. Our team will answer any inquiries from your customers directly, 24/7, via phone, chat, or email.

To learn more, go to Customer service for seller-fulfilled orders.

Contact Account Health Support during the holidays

Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers who have questions about their account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2023 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on December 26, 2023.
  • January 1, 2024 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on January 2, 2024.

For more information, go to the Account Health Support FAQ.

1.2T views
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Tags:News and Announcements
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Set up account vacation settings over the holidays

If you’re taking time off over the holiday season, or planning to work on public holidays, we recommend these simple steps to protect your seller-fulfilled order performance metrics.

Set up vacation mode

Set your account to vacation mode to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from Amazon product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation mode, go to the Store status and Vacation settings page.

For more information, go to Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences.

Manage your holiday settings

If you plan to send seller-fulfilled orders on public holidays, go to the Holidays widget in Seller Central to override predefined holidays and change them to an "operating day".

To override a public holiday, go to the Holidays page.

Note: Allow up to four hours for any change in holiday settings change to be reflected in your delivery promise and orders received.

For more information, including how to revert operating days to holidays, go to Manage Holiday Settings.

Consider setting up Customer Service by Amazon

If you’re unable to respond to customers, you can enable Customer Service by Amazon. It’s a paid program where Amazon takes care of customer service on your behalf for your self-fulfilled orders. Our team will answer any inquiries from your customers directly, 24/7, via phone, chat, or email.

To learn more, go to Customer service for seller-fulfilled orders.

Contact Account Health Support during the holidays

Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers who have questions about their account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2023 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on December 26, 2023.
  • January 1, 2024 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on January 2, 2024.

For more information, go to the Account Health Support FAQ.

Tags:News and Announcements
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Set up account vacation settings over the holidays

by News_Amazon

If you’re taking time off over the holiday season, or planning to work on public holidays, we recommend these simple steps to protect your seller-fulfilled order performance metrics.

Set up vacation mode

Set your account to vacation mode to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from Amazon product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation mode, go to the Store status and Vacation settings page.

For more information, go to Listing status for vacations, holidays, and other absences.

Manage your holiday settings

If you plan to send seller-fulfilled orders on public holidays, go to the Holidays widget in Seller Central to override predefined holidays and change them to an "operating day".

To override a public holiday, go to the Holidays page.

Note: Allow up to four hours for any change in holiday settings change to be reflected in your delivery promise and orders received.

For more information, including how to revert operating days to holidays, go to Manage Holiday Settings.

Consider setting up Customer Service by Amazon

If you’re unable to respond to customers, you can enable Customer Service by Amazon. It’s a paid program where Amazon takes care of customer service on your behalf for your self-fulfilled orders. Our team will answer any inquiries from your customers directly, 24/7, via phone, chat, or email.

To learn more, go to Customer service for seller-fulfilled orders.

Contact Account Health Support during the holidays

Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers who have questions about their account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2023 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on December 26, 2023.
  • January 1, 2024 – Support will be closed and will resume operations on January 2, 2024.

For more information, go to the Account Health Support FAQ.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How incredibly ironic that you post this amid the lead time errors you are generating.

We do not enable holidays as business days, have M-F set for ship days, and yet orders placed over the weekends and holidays CONTINUE to ship with one shorter day lead time than indicated (e.g. order placed today, Christmas -- when I really do NOT want to be dealing with Amazon -- with 4 day handling time was previously due January 2nd, due to 2 holidays, is now due Friday, 4 calendar days earlier).

If Amazon has changed their definition of "only business days count for handling time" they should explicitly state that. But ever since you started messing with the default handling time settings, we've had lead time problems, and orders placed Saturday, Sunday and Monday should (for us) have the same due date, and used to.

And to any sellers too naive to know otherwise "CSbA" will "take care of customer service" by granting returnless refunds to your buyers. Do not fall for this paid service which costs far more than the price tag.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Should any mod care enough to dig into just how wrong this announcement about holiday settings is, or look into what a useless time sink support has become, please help with case: 14531490411 .

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I did that once, I did set my account to holiday mode. My store (sales) never fully recovered after that. So I'm not going on holiday ever again. I'll just work every single day, on holidays too.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ebay & Etsy allow you to keep your listings showing but say you are away. That way your entire store doesn't just "disappear" while you are gone! We have repeat buyers so they think we are out of business! I really REALLY DISLIKE the vacation mode on Amazon! It is such a bad business practice.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How incredibly ironic that you post this amid the lead time errors you are generating.

We do not enable holidays as business days, have M-F set for ship days, and yet orders placed over the weekends and holidays CONTINUE to ship with one shorter day lead time than indicated (e.g. order placed today, Christmas -- when I really do NOT want to be dealing with Amazon -- with 4 day handling time was previously due January 2nd, due to 2 holidays, is now due Friday, 4 calendar days earlier).

If Amazon has changed their definition of "only business days count for handling time" they should explicitly state that. But ever since you started messing with the default handling time settings, we've had lead time problems, and orders placed Saturday, Sunday and Monday should (for us) have the same due date, and used to.

And to any sellers too naive to know otherwise "CSbA" will "take care of customer service" by granting returnless refunds to your buyers. Do not fall for this paid service which costs far more than the price tag.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How incredibly ironic that you post this amid the lead time errors you are generating.

We do not enable holidays as business days, have M-F set for ship days, and yet orders placed over the weekends and holidays CONTINUE to ship with one shorter day lead time than indicated (e.g. order placed today, Christmas -- when I really do NOT want to be dealing with Amazon -- with 4 day handling time was previously due January 2nd, due to 2 holidays, is now due Friday, 4 calendar days earlier).

If Amazon has changed their definition of "only business days count for handling time" they should explicitly state that. But ever since you started messing with the default handling time settings, we've had lead time problems, and orders placed Saturday, Sunday and Monday should (for us) have the same due date, and used to.

And to any sellers too naive to know otherwise "CSbA" will "take care of customer service" by granting returnless refunds to your buyers. Do not fall for this paid service which costs far more than the price tag.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Should any mod care enough to dig into just how wrong this announcement about holiday settings is, or look into what a useless time sink support has become, please help with case: 14531490411 .

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Should any mod care enough to dig into just how wrong this announcement about holiday settings is, or look into what a useless time sink support has become, please help with case: 14531490411 .

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I did that once, I did set my account to holiday mode. My store (sales) never fully recovered after that. So I'm not going on holiday ever again. I'll just work every single day, on holidays too.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I did that once, I did set my account to holiday mode. My store (sales) never fully recovered after that. So I'm not going on holiday ever again. I'll just work every single day, on holidays too.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ebay & Etsy allow you to keep your listings showing but say you are away. That way your entire store doesn't just "disappear" while you are gone! We have repeat buyers so they think we are out of business! I really REALLY DISLIKE the vacation mode on Amazon! It is such a bad business practice.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ebay & Etsy allow you to keep your listings showing but say you are away. That way your entire store doesn't just "disappear" while you are gone! We have repeat buyers so they think we are out of business! I really REALLY DISLIKE the vacation mode on Amazon! It is such a bad business practice.

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