I would like to bring attention to a serious issue many sellers are facing on Amazon India. As an honest seller of genuine and costly products, I have encountered numerous fake orders from fraudulent customers. These customers place prepaid orders, receive our authentic and high-quality products, but then return fake items or low-cost products in place of the original.
The major concern here is Amazon's policy, which allows immediate refunds to customers before the return items are verified by the seller. This system enables fraudsters to exploit the return policy, costing sellers thousands in losses. When we file a SAFE-T claim with all the necessary proofs, Amazon assigns a randomly reduced claim amount, which does not even come close to covering the full loss, pushing sellers like us into a state of financial burden.
This process is deeply flawed, as it:
Encourages fraudulent customers to keep the original, high-cost products and return fake items.
Provides immediate refunds to customers before the returned items are verified, making it easier for them to exploit the system.
Significantly underpays sellers in SAFE-T claims, even when proofs are provided.
It is frustrating that Amazon's policies are being used to exploit genuine sellers, leaving us vulnerable to fraud.
I am planning to file a formal legal case against this policy, which I believe is encouraging fraudulent activity. Many small businesses are suffering due to these policies, and it's high time that Amazon revisits its refund process and provides protection to sellers.
I invite other sellers to share their experiences and insights on this issue. We need a collective voice to bring about a change that ensures fair practices and protects the seller community from being scammed by these unscrupulous practices.
yes i agree with your word. i am also same issues are facing but many time report a suscipious order filled the form but no response received from amazon.
Often times it's not the customer, but the Easy Ship personnel who are involved in these activities.
We've had some customers reach out to us, complaining they received a different book altogether from what they had ordered.
These incidents are often coordinated and confined in a certain areas at certain times. Amazon really needs to tighten their measures on the customer-front, as well as with their logistics arm!
you are not going to get any solution on this from amazon.. because as a % of total orders on amazon, this number is miniscule... moreover amazon makes money on fraud orders also - through courier chargers, refund fees, etc.... so in the end, it is upto the seller themselves to find out ways to protect themselves from this non-sense.
After countless instances of product theft and fraudulent returns, it's become clear that Amazon is turning a blind eye because it benefits from these actions. Not only do sellers face product theft, but we are also hit with an additional 15% SCRR fine on top of the regular charges, which only increases Amazon’s revenue—whether it's theft by customers or through FBA operations.
In return-to-origin (RTO) orders, we often receive either different or used products. When items reach the delivery hubs, ATS (Amazon Transportation Services) informs buyers and asks them to cancel the order. Once the order is canceled and the refund is issued, ATS staff—often in collaboration with hub managers—remove the products, hand them back to the buyers, and take 20% of the product's cost as their commission. This mirrors Amazon's own commission structure.( There are several Telegram groups from UP/BIHAR/HARYANA ETC- WE REPORED THIS GROUP WITH GROUP SCREENSHOTS IN AMAZON SELLER COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP, BUT ADMINS DELETED IT WITHIN 5 MIN.)
When sellers attempt to resolve these issues, we are told to file SAFE-T claims. But even with a claim, Amazon either approves just 16-18% of the selling price or rejects it due to claim limits. Meanwhile, they continue to impose a 15% fine due to a high SCRR rate, pocketing more money while sellers bear all the losses.
*The Corruption Runs Deep
I had a conversation with an ATS staff member who confirmed that this is happening. His brother, who now works as a delivery boy in Allahabad, used to work with him at the hub, stealing returned products or switching items with wrong ones. These items are then sold to local shops or sellers.
I decided to conduct my own investigation by ordering 4-5 garments through different friends from various locations. Each time, ATS rejected any wrong items or used products for return, citing "not the same as purchased" or "old garments." They even refused returns without original price tags, showing that they are capable of stopping this when they want to.
Amazon has enough resources to prevent this. They track every ATS member and have the means to verify whether a product was replaced or tampered with during returns. But they don’t hold ATS accountable. Instead, sellers like us continue to receive wrong or used products, and Amazon imposes fines on us.
* Where’s the Solution?
One potential solution could be implementing an OTP system for ATS staff that they would have to input after every successful return pickup or delivery. But Amazon won’t do this because it’s not in their financial interest.
Even worse, we know that in areas like Kalyan, Maharashtra—close to Amazon’s fulfillment centers like BOM7, BOM5, ISK3—stolen products from these centers are being sold openly. These items are repackaged in branded packaging and even come with 15-day credit facilities for regular buyers, offered by the same hub managers involved in the thefts.
* Amazon’s True Face
Amazon treats its sellers like slaves. First, they drain us financially with commissions, fees, and fines. Then, they hand us over to service providers or account managers, who take what's left. And finally, loan providers charge sellers interest rates as high as 28%.
To top it all off, Amazon encourages current sellers to recruit new sellers with promises of rewards up to ₹25,000, perpetuating the cycle.
Only 1-2% of sellers manage to survive and build a successful brand on Amazon. But even then, once you succeed, Amazon steps in with fabricated "Policy Violations" and takes over your brand, handing it to insiders like C*co*lu or Cl*udt*il, and kicking the original seller off the platform. The cycle then begins again.
* What Now?
It's time for us, the sellers, to stop selling on Amazon and inform our families and friends who buy from the platform about the hidden charges, fines, and theft happening behind the scenes. Amazon is exploiting both sellers and buyers. We deserve better than this.
Strongly agree. It seems that amazon do not care about sellers interest. No one in seller support who solves the problem, each time new person interect, reply garbage without undertanding the concern.
we are getting fake orders from a single customer continuosuly, same asin, same customer, same pattern.
in order tracking it says order delivered to customer but he cancels the order saying didnt received the order.
amazon refund him immediately. and after 3 months of wait we havent received any return item.
reported suspicuios order 4 times, but neve got any response from amazon, just a auto mailer that we will look into matter and iuf not revert you in 12hrs than dispatch the order.
amazon is forcing sellers to ship the item even if we see that customer is returning order regularly. if we dont fullfill order it strikes on account health, and if we ship, we are charged for cancellation fee, refund procesing charges and original product also.
reported many times, hours of long discussion with seller support team but nothing happens. they change case id status to transferred nothing else.
cannot do anything here. amazon is not seller friendly.
You are absolutely right, such incidents have happened with me as well and it is affecting the health of my account as well and even after giving several proofs to Amazon, they are not ready to accept that what the customer is saying is wrong and are not accepting the seller's word.And his money has been refunded by Amazon,If this problem is solved then please suggest
Fake Orders or Coming or No Orders Coming , it is a Very Serious Issue today For Sellers Who Only Sell in Amazon.
I am also facing same issue and would appreciate you that you are thinking about it and going to file a legal case.
We are with you and wish you a great success in advance.
I would like to bring attention to a serious issue many sellers are facing on Amazon India. As an honest seller of genuine and costly products, I have encountered numerous fake orders from fraudulent customers. These customers place prepaid orders, receive our authentic and high-quality products, but then return fake items or low-cost products in place of the original.
The major concern here is Amazon's policy, which allows immediate refunds to customers before the return items are verified by the seller. This system enables fraudsters to exploit the return policy, costing sellers thousands in losses. When we file a SAFE-T claim with all the necessary proofs, Amazon assigns a randomly reduced claim amount, which does not even come close to covering the full loss, pushing sellers like us into a state of financial burden.
This process is deeply flawed, as it:
Encourages fraudulent customers to keep the original, high-cost products and return fake items.
Provides immediate refunds to customers before the returned items are verified, making it easier for them to exploit the system.
Significantly underpays sellers in SAFE-T claims, even when proofs are provided.
It is frustrating that Amazon's policies are being used to exploit genuine sellers, leaving us vulnerable to fraud.
I am planning to file a formal legal case against this policy, which I believe is encouraging fraudulent activity. Many small businesses are suffering due to these policies, and it's high time that Amazon revisits its refund process and provides protection to sellers.
I invite other sellers to share their experiences and insights on this issue. We need a collective voice to bring about a change that ensures fair practices and protects the seller community from being scammed by these unscrupulous practices.
I would like to bring attention to a serious issue many sellers are facing on Amazon India. As an honest seller of genuine and costly products, I have encountered numerous fake orders from fraudulent customers. These customers place prepaid orders, receive our authentic and high-quality products, but then return fake items or low-cost products in place of the original.
The major concern here is Amazon's policy, which allows immediate refunds to customers before the return items are verified by the seller. This system enables fraudsters to exploit the return policy, costing sellers thousands in losses. When we file a SAFE-T claim with all the necessary proofs, Amazon assigns a randomly reduced claim amount, which does not even come close to covering the full loss, pushing sellers like us into a state of financial burden.
This process is deeply flawed, as it:
Encourages fraudulent customers to keep the original, high-cost products and return fake items.
Provides immediate refunds to customers before the returned items are verified, making it easier for them to exploit the system.
Significantly underpays sellers in SAFE-T claims, even when proofs are provided.
It is frustrating that Amazon's policies are being used to exploit genuine sellers, leaving us vulnerable to fraud.
I am planning to file a formal legal case against this policy, which I believe is encouraging fraudulent activity. Many small businesses are suffering due to these policies, and it's high time that Amazon revisits its refund process and provides protection to sellers.
I invite other sellers to share their experiences and insights on this issue. We need a collective voice to bring about a change that ensures fair practices and protects the seller community from being scammed by these unscrupulous practices.
yes i agree with your word. i am also same issues are facing but many time report a suscipious order filled the form but no response received from amazon.
Often times it's not the customer, but the Easy Ship personnel who are involved in these activities.
We've had some customers reach out to us, complaining they received a different book altogether from what they had ordered.
These incidents are often coordinated and confined in a certain areas at certain times. Amazon really needs to tighten their measures on the customer-front, as well as with their logistics arm!
you are not going to get any solution on this from amazon.. because as a % of total orders on amazon, this number is miniscule... moreover amazon makes money on fraud orders also - through courier chargers, refund fees, etc.... so in the end, it is upto the seller themselves to find out ways to protect themselves from this non-sense.
After countless instances of product theft and fraudulent returns, it's become clear that Amazon is turning a blind eye because it benefits from these actions. Not only do sellers face product theft, but we are also hit with an additional 15% SCRR fine on top of the regular charges, which only increases Amazon’s revenue—whether it's theft by customers or through FBA operations.
In return-to-origin (RTO) orders, we often receive either different or used products. When items reach the delivery hubs, ATS (Amazon Transportation Services) informs buyers and asks them to cancel the order. Once the order is canceled and the refund is issued, ATS staff—often in collaboration with hub managers—remove the products, hand them back to the buyers, and take 20% of the product's cost as their commission. This mirrors Amazon's own commission structure.( There are several Telegram groups from UP/BIHAR/HARYANA ETC- WE REPORED THIS GROUP WITH GROUP SCREENSHOTS IN AMAZON SELLER COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP, BUT ADMINS DELETED IT WITHIN 5 MIN.)
When sellers attempt to resolve these issues, we are told to file SAFE-T claims. But even with a claim, Amazon either approves just 16-18% of the selling price or rejects it due to claim limits. Meanwhile, they continue to impose a 15% fine due to a high SCRR rate, pocketing more money while sellers bear all the losses.
*The Corruption Runs Deep
I had a conversation with an ATS staff member who confirmed that this is happening. His brother, who now works as a delivery boy in Allahabad, used to work with him at the hub, stealing returned products or switching items with wrong ones. These items are then sold to local shops or sellers.
I decided to conduct my own investigation by ordering 4-5 garments through different friends from various locations. Each time, ATS rejected any wrong items or used products for return, citing "not the same as purchased" or "old garments." They even refused returns without original price tags, showing that they are capable of stopping this when they want to.
Amazon has enough resources to prevent this. They track every ATS member and have the means to verify whether a product was replaced or tampered with during returns. But they don’t hold ATS accountable. Instead, sellers like us continue to receive wrong or used products, and Amazon imposes fines on us.
* Where’s the Solution?
One potential solution could be implementing an OTP system for ATS staff that they would have to input after every successful return pickup or delivery. But Amazon won’t do this because it’s not in their financial interest.
Even worse, we know that in areas like Kalyan, Maharashtra—close to Amazon’s fulfillment centers like BOM7, BOM5, ISK3—stolen products from these centers are being sold openly. These items are repackaged in branded packaging and even come with 15-day credit facilities for regular buyers, offered by the same hub managers involved in the thefts.
* Amazon’s True Face
Amazon treats its sellers like slaves. First, they drain us financially with commissions, fees, and fines. Then, they hand us over to service providers or account managers, who take what's left. And finally, loan providers charge sellers interest rates as high as 28%.
To top it all off, Amazon encourages current sellers to recruit new sellers with promises of rewards up to ₹25,000, perpetuating the cycle.
Only 1-2% of sellers manage to survive and build a successful brand on Amazon. But even then, once you succeed, Amazon steps in with fabricated "Policy Violations" and takes over your brand, handing it to insiders like C*co*lu or Cl*udt*il, and kicking the original seller off the platform. The cycle then begins again.
* What Now?
It's time for us, the sellers, to stop selling on Amazon and inform our families and friends who buy from the platform about the hidden charges, fines, and theft happening behind the scenes. Amazon is exploiting both sellers and buyers. We deserve better than this.
Strongly agree. It seems that amazon do not care about sellers interest. No one in seller support who solves the problem, each time new person interect, reply garbage without undertanding the concern.
we are getting fake orders from a single customer continuosuly, same asin, same customer, same pattern.
in order tracking it says order delivered to customer but he cancels the order saying didnt received the order.
amazon refund him immediately. and after 3 months of wait we havent received any return item.
reported suspicuios order 4 times, but neve got any response from amazon, just a auto mailer that we will look into matter and iuf not revert you in 12hrs than dispatch the order.
amazon is forcing sellers to ship the item even if we see that customer is returning order regularly. if we dont fullfill order it strikes on account health, and if we ship, we are charged for cancellation fee, refund procesing charges and original product also.
reported many times, hours of long discussion with seller support team but nothing happens. they change case id status to transferred nothing else.
cannot do anything here. amazon is not seller friendly.
You are absolutely right, such incidents have happened with me as well and it is affecting the health of my account as well and even after giving several proofs to Amazon, they are not ready to accept that what the customer is saying is wrong and are not accepting the seller's word.And his money has been refunded by Amazon,If this problem is solved then please suggest
Fake Orders or Coming or No Orders Coming , it is a Very Serious Issue today For Sellers Who Only Sell in Amazon.
I am also facing same issue and would appreciate you that you are thinking about it and going to file a legal case.
We are with you and wish you a great success in advance.
yes i agree with your word. i am also same issues are facing but many time report a suscipious order filled the form but no response received from amazon.
yes i agree with your word. i am also same issues are facing but many time report a suscipious order filled the form but no response received from amazon.
Often times it's not the customer, but the Easy Ship personnel who are involved in these activities.
We've had some customers reach out to us, complaining they received a different book altogether from what they had ordered.
These incidents are often coordinated and confined in a certain areas at certain times. Amazon really needs to tighten their measures on the customer-front, as well as with their logistics arm!
Often times it's not the customer, but the Easy Ship personnel who are involved in these activities.
We've had some customers reach out to us, complaining they received a different book altogether from what they had ordered.
These incidents are often coordinated and confined in a certain areas at certain times. Amazon really needs to tighten their measures on the customer-front, as well as with their logistics arm!
you are not going to get any solution on this from amazon.. because as a % of total orders on amazon, this number is miniscule... moreover amazon makes money on fraud orders also - through courier chargers, refund fees, etc.... so in the end, it is upto the seller themselves to find out ways to protect themselves from this non-sense.
you are not going to get any solution on this from amazon.. because as a % of total orders on amazon, this number is miniscule... moreover amazon makes money on fraud orders also - through courier chargers, refund fees, etc.... so in the end, it is upto the seller themselves to find out ways to protect themselves from this non-sense.
After countless instances of product theft and fraudulent returns, it's become clear that Amazon is turning a blind eye because it benefits from these actions. Not only do sellers face product theft, but we are also hit with an additional 15% SCRR fine on top of the regular charges, which only increases Amazon’s revenue—whether it's theft by customers or through FBA operations.
In return-to-origin (RTO) orders, we often receive either different or used products. When items reach the delivery hubs, ATS (Amazon Transportation Services) informs buyers and asks them to cancel the order. Once the order is canceled and the refund is issued, ATS staff—often in collaboration with hub managers—remove the products, hand them back to the buyers, and take 20% of the product's cost as their commission. This mirrors Amazon's own commission structure.( There are several Telegram groups from UP/BIHAR/HARYANA ETC- WE REPORED THIS GROUP WITH GROUP SCREENSHOTS IN AMAZON SELLER COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP, BUT ADMINS DELETED IT WITHIN 5 MIN.)
When sellers attempt to resolve these issues, we are told to file SAFE-T claims. But even with a claim, Amazon either approves just 16-18% of the selling price or rejects it due to claim limits. Meanwhile, they continue to impose a 15% fine due to a high SCRR rate, pocketing more money while sellers bear all the losses.
*The Corruption Runs Deep
I had a conversation with an ATS staff member who confirmed that this is happening. His brother, who now works as a delivery boy in Allahabad, used to work with him at the hub, stealing returned products or switching items with wrong ones. These items are then sold to local shops or sellers.
I decided to conduct my own investigation by ordering 4-5 garments through different friends from various locations. Each time, ATS rejected any wrong items or used products for return, citing "not the same as purchased" or "old garments." They even refused returns without original price tags, showing that they are capable of stopping this when they want to.
Amazon has enough resources to prevent this. They track every ATS member and have the means to verify whether a product was replaced or tampered with during returns. But they don’t hold ATS accountable. Instead, sellers like us continue to receive wrong or used products, and Amazon imposes fines on us.
* Where’s the Solution?
One potential solution could be implementing an OTP system for ATS staff that they would have to input after every successful return pickup or delivery. But Amazon won’t do this because it’s not in their financial interest.
Even worse, we know that in areas like Kalyan, Maharashtra—close to Amazon’s fulfillment centers like BOM7, BOM5, ISK3—stolen products from these centers are being sold openly. These items are repackaged in branded packaging and even come with 15-day credit facilities for regular buyers, offered by the same hub managers involved in the thefts.
* Amazon’s True Face
Amazon treats its sellers like slaves. First, they drain us financially with commissions, fees, and fines. Then, they hand us over to service providers or account managers, who take what's left. And finally, loan providers charge sellers interest rates as high as 28%.
To top it all off, Amazon encourages current sellers to recruit new sellers with promises of rewards up to ₹25,000, perpetuating the cycle.
Only 1-2% of sellers manage to survive and build a successful brand on Amazon. But even then, once you succeed, Amazon steps in with fabricated "Policy Violations" and takes over your brand, handing it to insiders like C*co*lu or Cl*udt*il, and kicking the original seller off the platform. The cycle then begins again.
* What Now?
It's time for us, the sellers, to stop selling on Amazon and inform our families and friends who buy from the platform about the hidden charges, fines, and theft happening behind the scenes. Amazon is exploiting both sellers and buyers. We deserve better than this.
After countless instances of product theft and fraudulent returns, it's become clear that Amazon is turning a blind eye because it benefits from these actions. Not only do sellers face product theft, but we are also hit with an additional 15% SCRR fine on top of the regular charges, which only increases Amazon’s revenue—whether it's theft by customers or through FBA operations.
In return-to-origin (RTO) orders, we often receive either different or used products. When items reach the delivery hubs, ATS (Amazon Transportation Services) informs buyers and asks them to cancel the order. Once the order is canceled and the refund is issued, ATS staff—often in collaboration with hub managers—remove the products, hand them back to the buyers, and take 20% of the product's cost as their commission. This mirrors Amazon's own commission structure.( There are several Telegram groups from UP/BIHAR/HARYANA ETC- WE REPORED THIS GROUP WITH GROUP SCREENSHOTS IN AMAZON SELLER COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP, BUT ADMINS DELETED IT WITHIN 5 MIN.)
When sellers attempt to resolve these issues, we are told to file SAFE-T claims. But even with a claim, Amazon either approves just 16-18% of the selling price or rejects it due to claim limits. Meanwhile, they continue to impose a 15% fine due to a high SCRR rate, pocketing more money while sellers bear all the losses.
*The Corruption Runs Deep
I had a conversation with an ATS staff member who confirmed that this is happening. His brother, who now works as a delivery boy in Allahabad, used to work with him at the hub, stealing returned products or switching items with wrong ones. These items are then sold to local shops or sellers.
I decided to conduct my own investigation by ordering 4-5 garments through different friends from various locations. Each time, ATS rejected any wrong items or used products for return, citing "not the same as purchased" or "old garments." They even refused returns without original price tags, showing that they are capable of stopping this when they want to.
Amazon has enough resources to prevent this. They track every ATS member and have the means to verify whether a product was replaced or tampered with during returns. But they don’t hold ATS accountable. Instead, sellers like us continue to receive wrong or used products, and Amazon imposes fines on us.
* Where’s the Solution?
One potential solution could be implementing an OTP system for ATS staff that they would have to input after every successful return pickup or delivery. But Amazon won’t do this because it’s not in their financial interest.
Even worse, we know that in areas like Kalyan, Maharashtra—close to Amazon’s fulfillment centers like BOM7, BOM5, ISK3—stolen products from these centers are being sold openly. These items are repackaged in branded packaging and even come with 15-day credit facilities for regular buyers, offered by the same hub managers involved in the thefts.
* Amazon’s True Face
Amazon treats its sellers like slaves. First, they drain us financially with commissions, fees, and fines. Then, they hand us over to service providers or account managers, who take what's left. And finally, loan providers charge sellers interest rates as high as 28%.
To top it all off, Amazon encourages current sellers to recruit new sellers with promises of rewards up to ₹25,000, perpetuating the cycle.
Only 1-2% of sellers manage to survive and build a successful brand on Amazon. But even then, once you succeed, Amazon steps in with fabricated "Policy Violations" and takes over your brand, handing it to insiders like C*co*lu or Cl*udt*il, and kicking the original seller off the platform. The cycle then begins again.
* What Now?
It's time for us, the sellers, to stop selling on Amazon and inform our families and friends who buy from the platform about the hidden charges, fines, and theft happening behind the scenes. Amazon is exploiting both sellers and buyers. We deserve better than this.
Strongly agree. It seems that amazon do not care about sellers interest. No one in seller support who solves the problem, each time new person interect, reply garbage without undertanding the concern.
we are getting fake orders from a single customer continuosuly, same asin, same customer, same pattern.
in order tracking it says order delivered to customer but he cancels the order saying didnt received the order.
amazon refund him immediately. and after 3 months of wait we havent received any return item.
reported suspicuios order 4 times, but neve got any response from amazon, just a auto mailer that we will look into matter and iuf not revert you in 12hrs than dispatch the order.
amazon is forcing sellers to ship the item even if we see that customer is returning order regularly. if we dont fullfill order it strikes on account health, and if we ship, we are charged for cancellation fee, refund procesing charges and original product also.
reported many times, hours of long discussion with seller support team but nothing happens. they change case id status to transferred nothing else.
Strongly agree. It seems that amazon do not care about sellers interest. No one in seller support who solves the problem, each time new person interect, reply garbage without undertanding the concern.
we are getting fake orders from a single customer continuosuly, same asin, same customer, same pattern.
in order tracking it says order delivered to customer but he cancels the order saying didnt received the order.
amazon refund him immediately. and after 3 months of wait we havent received any return item.
reported suspicuios order 4 times, but neve got any response from amazon, just a auto mailer that we will look into matter and iuf not revert you in 12hrs than dispatch the order.
amazon is forcing sellers to ship the item even if we see that customer is returning order regularly. if we dont fullfill order it strikes on account health, and if we ship, we are charged for cancellation fee, refund procesing charges and original product also.
reported many times, hours of long discussion with seller support team but nothing happens. they change case id status to transferred nothing else.
cannot do anything here. amazon is not seller friendly.
cannot do anything here. amazon is not seller friendly.
You are absolutely right, such incidents have happened with me as well and it is affecting the health of my account as well and even after giving several proofs to Amazon, they are not ready to accept that what the customer is saying is wrong and are not accepting the seller's word.And his money has been refunded by Amazon,If this problem is solved then please suggest
You are absolutely right, such incidents have happened with me as well and it is affecting the health of my account as well and even after giving several proofs to Amazon, they are not ready to accept that what the customer is saying is wrong and are not accepting the seller's word.And his money has been refunded by Amazon,If this problem is solved then please suggest
Fake Orders or Coming or No Orders Coming , it is a Very Serious Issue today For Sellers Who Only Sell in Amazon.
Fake Orders or Coming or No Orders Coming , it is a Very Serious Issue today For Sellers Who Only Sell in Amazon.
I am also facing same issue and would appreciate you that you are thinking about it and going to file a legal case.
We are with you and wish you a great success in advance.
I am also facing same issue and would appreciate you that you are thinking about it and going to file a legal case.
We are with you and wish you a great success in advance.